Friday, October 31, 2008

Selamat Petang

Salam...rasa lama sgt saya dah tak update blog ni. Bukan alasan takde masa tapi malas sebenarnya. Nak menulis kena la ada mood.

Sekarang dah minggu "study week" di USM and my first paper will be at Nov, 4th (Tues). Sekarang busy membuat nota2 kecil and past year questions dengan harapan boleh la cover banyak sikit.. =))

Paper aku semester ni 4 paper je --Solid Waste, Arabic, English, & Construction Management. Dengan bilangan paper yg sikit dan gap antara paper pun byk hari jugak, harap2 sempat la aku nak cover semua even tak berapa sangat.

Malangnya di minggu study week ni, HEPP keluarkan notis Ahad ni (Nov, 2nd) akan berlaku blackout seluruh campus. Tiada elektrik dari 10am - 6pm di minggu student sibuk pulun nak score. So terpaksalah aku keluar dr USM untuk elak kehangatan yg terlampau. hehe sj je guna alasan tu nak kuar g penang.. =p

Untuk semua warga USM dan mana2 uni yg tgh exam week, good luck for all of u and strive for glory =)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Selamat Hari Raya to every Muslim...

Walaupun dah raya ke-6 tp tak terlambat lg rasanya nak ucap Salam Aidilfitri kat semua yg menyambutnya. Raya kali ni aku sambut sederhana je sebab xde modal nak belanja byk..sigh~

What important is forgiveness sesama Muslim kan. Others are just a bonus after fasting for a month.

There's some bad news on pagi raya. Masa ziarah kubur arwah adik aku pagi raya haritu, tengok plat besi yg ada nama adik aku and tarikh meninggal kena dicuri org. Memang malang nasib org tu..Huhu. Bukan kat kubur arwah adik aku je, kubur yg lain pun ada jgk yg kena curi. Xpasal2 kena buat batu nisan baru. Each one mahal jgk harga batu nisan tu. Memang bodoh org yg curi tu.

Raya kali ni aku x beraya rumah kwn2 pun sbb sibuk lyn org kt rumah n sibuk bawa mak aku p beraya rumah relatives. Sorry la wahai kwn2. Hari ni dah start kls..Huhu sgt malas..sigh~

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Boring Day Ever!!

This picture was taken when my brain has stopped for a while....!!
Today is the most boring day i've ever have for this semester. Stay in my room for the whole day wasn't really ME actually but considering the rain keep falling for the whole day and the bad weather plus my friend's car road tax has expired...thats make me stay in the room for the whole day. Dun know how to finish the next day if the weather will still remain like today. Arghh...!!

Friday, September 5, 2008

How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days

I can't just sit and doin' nothing (not in the mood to do my FYP tasks), so i decided to watch this romantic comedy movie called "How To Lose A Guy In 10 Days" staring Kate Hudson and Matthew McConaughey.
I've downloaded the movie two days ago but still dun have time to watch it. Story about two New Yorkers fight the battle of the sexes to a standstill (without entirely realizing it) in this romantic comedy.
Andie (Kate Hudson) is a young journalist who longs to cover political stories, but in the meantime she finds herself writing for a women's magazine called Composure, where her editor has her writing a fluffy "How To..." advice column. After hearing of the latest dating laments of her relationship-challenged friend Michelle (Kathryn Hahn), Andie sells Lana on the idea of writing a piece on the things women do to alienate the men they love, which she'll demonstrate by winning and then driving away a man in a mere ten days.

Meanwhile, Ben (Matthew McConaughey) is an advertising man who wants to land a prestige diamond account at his firm. Ben is competing with his pals, Spears (Michael Michele) and Green (Shalom Harlow), for the assignment, so Ben tells his boss Phillip Warren (Robert Klein) that he's the man for the job because he understands the fair sex so well he can make any woman fall for him in less than two weeks.
As fate would have it, Andie and Ben end up choosing one another for their mutual assignments, with neither knowing about each other's secret agenda as Ben strives to hold on to Andie while she does everything in her power to annoy him.
The movie end up as it was plan and both win the bet on their assignments but Andie and Ben finally found that they really are in love with each other. Andie's assignment gets compliment by her editor and i attracted to a phase that she attached in the column which is...
"Better to loved and lost, than never loved at all...or is it?"
hmm....think about it.. :)

5 Ramadhan 1429 H

It's already 5 days fasting but for me....hehe. Not in the mood to write anything today but i'm sooo bored and dun have any things to do (actually i have something to do on FYP but a bit MALAS).

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pakej Berbuka Puasa Buffet Ramadhan di Planet Hollywood.


Hanya sekali dalam setahun Planet Hollywood meraikan suasana yang penuh dengan ciri-ciri tradisional. Kini, masa tersebut tiba kembali di mana Planet Hollywood menjemput anda semua meraikan waktu Berbuka Puasa anda bersama kami semua di sini. Sempena bulan Ramadhan yang suci ini, kami mempersembahkan anda Buffet Ramadhan, di mana menu yang di sediakan cukup istimewa untuk membuatkan waktu Berbuka Puasa anda lain dari kebiasaannya!

Di Planet Hollywood, kami menyediakan kepelbagaian hidangan tradisional masyarakat Melayu yang sudah pasti mampu membuatkan anda teringat suasana berbuka puasa di kampung halaman. Kepelbagaian yang kami tonjolkan di dalam menu kami sama ada tradisional mahupun internasional, sudah pasti membuat anda tidak menang tangan memilih.

Antara hidangan yang bakal kami sediakan untuk Buffet Ramadhan ini adalah seperti Ayam Percik, Kambing Panggang, Rendang Daging Pedas, Kari Masak Nyonya Asam, Ayam Masak Berempah, Ikan Sumbat Masak Sambal, Kupang Goreng Tauchu, Udang Masak Lemak Rebung, “BBQ Chicken”, “ Lamb Chop”, “ Beef Stroganoff” dan banyak lagi pilihan tradisional dan internasional lain yang kami sediakan di Planet Hollywood sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini. Tidak terkecuali juga, hidangan pembasuh mulut kami atau santapan manis yang disediakan seperti Pengat Pisang, Bubur Kacang Hijau, Bubur Cha-Cha dan Bubur Pulut Hitam yang sudah pasti mampu mengubat kepenatan anda sesudah berpuasa sepanjang hari.

Jangan lepaskan peluang untuk berbuka puasa bersama kami di Planet Hollywood sepanjang bulan Ramadhan ini. Kami menjanjikan anda satu pengalaman istimewa yang tidak dapat dilupakan di mana Planet Hollywood meraikan ‘suasana-kampung’ yang sebenarnya!

Buffet Ramadhan ini beharga RM 33++ seorang. Untuk keterangan lanjut atau tempahan, sila hubungi 03- 2144 6602.

Thursday, August 28, 2008


"Selamat Hari Kemerdekaan yg Ke-51"

Merdeka tahun ni ramai yg tanya - "kenapa tak de org letak Jalur Gemilang dekat kereta, rumah, kedai, mana2 jelah. Yang banyak just bendera "bulan terbelah dua" and bendera "penimbang" sebab baru2 ni ada small election di Permatang Pauh. Bukan nak libatkan hal politik pun tp mmg kurang org kibarkan Jalur Gemilang dekat mana2. Bila tanya balik org tu kenapa dia sendiri tak kibarkan Jalur Gemilang kat kereta dia. Then dijawab - " sbb kerajaan tak bg free kat tol or stesen minyak."


Monday, August 18, 2008

School Holiday

Semester break has started and me at home dunno wut to do now. REALLY BORED!! Sadly i dun have any transport if not, can go jalan2 around Penang Island. Hurm...yesterday, today, and tomorrow also stay at home. So bored!! Kalau dapat pi holiday sangat seronok. ~~~

Friday, August 8, 2008


Today is very special day to me ever and i never felt as greatful as today. Tanggal 08.08.08 yang mungkin given "ong" to Chinese community also gave me "ong"--a very happiness day ever but i still can cover it in front of him.hukhuk.. 4 blue roses wrapped in blue with heart-shape design comes with purple and grey curled ribbon surprised me there. What was the sign of those roses? Lucky it was blue rather than red. If not, i might think he wanted something from me. Even his surprises not as big as mine but he amazed me by the way he done it and everything. He has changed a lot since the day i mad at him. Maybe he REALLY want me or he couldn't forget me? Whatever the reason is, i'll stand with my word until he do something that comes to the next level of RELATIONSHIP...

Monday, July 28, 2008

What time is it?!

Yesterday i'm damnnn bored and dunno where to go. Plan to buy a new watch for myself after got my scholarship but no one to ask out and the main reason is NO TRANSPORT!! I like the watch i saw last two weeks at Gurney Plaza there and luckily it is M'sia MEGASALE now and the price less 50% and now become RM2++ . It's TITUS man. Even after less also 2++. So yesterday ask my OLD fren to company me and go grab that watch. Be in the shop for half an hour but still cannot determine which one to buy--jadi rambang mata tengok sale banyak sangat. Finally, i met my sis-in-law and she helpede me to choose the best one for me. A bit small but yet it suits my skinny hand hahahaha. I choose the 3++ one and that's it. No more new watch after this mom hehe. But maybe during work time i'll buy new one. Oops jangan marah mak.....this for you mak----xoxo----

Left is my really old watch and the thin one is the new one...=D

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Finally, lepas menunggu berminggu-minggu semata-mata untuk $$$ akhirnya scholarship masuk jugak minggu ni. Setelah semua budak2 yang dapat loan finish spend their $$$ on shopping+makan besar+new gadget etc. baru la kami ni golongan-golongan “biasiswa kerajaan” dapat hak kami pulak.HAK? <> List utk sem ni pun dah ada which are shopping+mkn angin+makan2+saving+insurance+semua dah get ready. Tinggal nak spend je.huahuahua..

Macam ni la student life. Pantang dapat $$$ loan/scholarship mesti cepat je nk menghabiskannya. Pastu next sem tunggu lagi duit. Kalau keja pn mcm ni kan besh. Huhu..
Arini aku puasa and disebabkan scholarship dah masuk so ajak geng-geng yang seJPA buka puasa kat pizza hut ler. Pesan bukan main tp at last x abes. That's why orang cakap jangan ikut nafsu. Kan dah dapat dosa membazir makanan. Before that, teman my fren pegi survey cermin mata untuk dia. Sambil dia tengok2, aku pun try la test. Padan jugak muka aku ni kalau pakai cermin mata and teringin nak pakai sebenarnya tapi better be what I am than have 4 eyes. Huhuhu..
Weekend ni dah siap plan nak balik kampung but suddenly ada apa kejadahnya briefing for safety courses untuk final year student. 8am - 5pm pulak tu. Berasap aku nanti macam CIDB briefing aritu. Huhu. Sengaja je nak bagi aku kutuk school banyak2. Tak kira la aku nak balik jugak. Hahaha..
Dah final year ni semangat kat uni become lesser. Ish apa nak jadi ni... Oit dah la skit2 tulis. Penat tangan aku ni. Tuuuuuuuuuutttttttttt..

Monday, July 21, 2008

Laporan Latihan Industri

Finally. I juz submitted my LI report after few days bercekang mata doing this thing even only 40 pages. What to do. This firm got not much works. But still my report quite thick cause of the appendix la. If not, bole malu la.

Today a bit tired cause not enough sleep last night but i have to wake up early and i'm fasting some more. So it's a good chance if i can sleep alllll day long.

Relief is the best words for wut i feel now. The reason....only i know that.

Tuesday, July 15, 2008


Class on 8am. Unfortunately i woke up at 7.57am so i continue dreaming lah cos next class(english) is on 11am but syok punya dreaming i woke up at 11am. It's soooo bad to have a roomate which not from ur class like i have before. Kalau dulu bangun lewat skit roomate dah tolong gerakkan but now if i sleep until evening also nobody cares. FYI, i'm the one who luuuvvv to wake up late especially on holiday. But i think the habit getting worse as i back to campus life. Need to buy an alarm clock yang sangat bising for me.

Next class is Arabic class which i just register this semester. That class is on 1pm. I pun dah get ready nak pegi kelas ni then suddenly my classmate called and said the class is cancel. OMG!! Bila dah siap nak pegi kelas, cancel pulak. Am i were not chosen to attend class? It's final year now and i still like this. TERUK2.. God please help me........



When everyone are dreaming about their bright future, me alone makan sahur at 2am eating roti telur that was bought by my friend from a nasi kandar mamak stall nearby. Its already almost two months i didnt eat roti telur from Riyas. Holiday eat at home la. Last Ramadhan i missed 12 days of fasting because women needs "holiday". :P .. So now have to pay back la. It's realy hard to fasting other than Ramadhan cause u have to see everyone are eating and its realy realy cannot tahan one. But what to do we still have to ganti back if not cannot raya la... Huarghhh... sleepy already. ZZZzzzz

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Semester 2008/2009

"One year more to go." That's wut everyone keep saying, for final year only who can't wait to be independent by the university. The new semester has come and of course much burden will be carried out along the journey as a final year student's life. Being a final year student seems a bit relax compare to the previous semester where everyone were chaos cause of the 3 projects all together to be finished that year. More chaotic than the Kan Cheong Kitchen as seen on local television which seem to be fun. But our 'kan-cheong-projects' were not funny at all.

It's been 4 days here in campus already and i who still in the holiday mood started to ponteng class already. It wasn't my fault if i suddently got really bad flu+sore throat which come in a package. huahua.. To be honest, being a final year students realy makes me to finish all this as fast as i could so that i can start looking for my serious working job and of course all graduates students wishing that they dun have to be jobless.

Thats all for today. Need to do my report for practical training. Huuhg.........

Monday, July 7, 2008

White Flag

I wanna share this song called White Flag by Dido which i like it and it means something to me. Just think of the lyrics...

I know you think that I shouldn't still love you
or tell you that
But if I didn't say it
Well, I'd still have felt it
Where's the sense in that?

I promise I'm not trying to make your life harder
Or return to where we were

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I know I left too much mess
And destruction to come back again
And I caused nothing but trouble
I understand if you can't talk to me again
And if you live by the rules of "It's over"
Then I'm sure that that makes sense

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

And when we meet
Which I'm sure we will
All that was there
Will be there still
I'll let it pass
And hold my tongue
And you will think
That I've moved on

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

Well I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be

I will go down with this ship
And I won't put my hands up and surrender
There will be no white flag above my door
I'm in love and always will be


Saturday, June 28, 2008

Candle Light Dinner

After celebrating my niece's birthday today, my father n mak n me went to makan again at nearby stall (tomyam style). Sampai sana saja, baru nak duduk then the lights suddenly blackout but luckily the stall is next the road so not too dark. Then tauke kedai come and put candle on each table and now we all having candle light dinner without the romantic scene hehe.. Suddenly i remembered when i'm having my first candle light dinner with someone i knew very long time ago. He's juz too kind to me but it's an old story and everyone have move forward. But sometimes, i do think of him. Wonder what he's doin' now.

Enough with the story. Today i was shocked by a bad news from my friend. His mom left us today and i'm sorry for him. Semoga rohnya dicucuri rahmat (Al-Fatihah). Kepada Cik Arm, aku minta maaf sebab tak dapat datang rumah sebab ada family thing. Takziah untuk Cik Arm sekeluarga. Sometimes bila someone tu ada di sisi kita, kita buat sambil lewa je tapi bile orang tu dah tinggalkan kita buat selamanya baru lah kita rasa kehilangan and mula menyesal. Adat kehidupan manusia yang hanya menghargai sesuatu yang telah tiada. Someone has given me this phrase. Renungilah.......

Kalau esok orang yang awak sayang BISU,
Apa yang awak nak ucapkan..

Kalau esok orang yang awak sayang PEKAK,
Apa nyang awak nak dia dengar..

Kalau esok orang yang awak sayang BUTA,
Apa yang awak nak dia lihat..

Tapi, andainya esok orang yang awak sayang PERGI untuk selamanya,
Ingatlah tiada lagi peluang untuk awak bersamanya..

Hargailah ia bila IANYA ada....

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My Last Day In The Firm

Every minutes count for me here cause I'll finish my practical in juz 2 days left. There's neither sad nor unhappy leaving this firm because I'm not enjoying the place compare to my previous practical firm. It's a bit cruel saying this but this is my page rite so WHO CARE!!! Since my 10 weeks here, there's a new thing I've learn (it should be) and a lot of wasting time as well. Not to condamn but reality is something not to be denied rite. I think i enjoyed my days here more to site cause at least there's something to see n learn yet i bole mengulat sikit-sikit. Rasa nak minum ke nak makan ke pegi je mana-mana. Takdak sapa nak marah u. Hehehe....
Tomorrow is my boss birthday (guess how old? hurm...???) so semua nak kutip duit nak celebrate for the big boss. Lucky me and my friend cause practical students tak perlu bayar. YES!!! Makan free lagi.
Yesterday went to SPT to see CBR test even it's raining but still the technician wanna brought us there. I puji dia cause dia tu sangat passion kalau nak bawa students pergi learn something walaupun hujan. But he's very experienced person and he handled many kind of pojects before. Just ask him anything, I'm sure he can answer u. Sometimes i think technician ni batter than engineer cause they've experienced many kind of problems and they can find the solutions faster and econimically when it needed compare to engineer. Lesson of the day, "Don't underestimate ur technician". Hehehe.. Berbalik pada cerita nak p tengok CBR test tadi. When i reached there and makan-makan semua, cancel pulak test tu pasal hujan. Meaning to say, we went there juz for breakfast and sembang-sembang. Huhu... what a life.... Til see u again. xoxo

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Alahai la Rebate...

Yesterday 14th June 2008, beribu-ribu rakyat Malaysia berpusu-pusu serbu 683 post office semata-mata nak claim rebate yang diperuntukkan oleh kerajaan kepada rakyat untuk meringankan beban rakyat akibat kenaikan harga petrol dan diesel dan juga harga makanan. Beribu-ribu pemilik kenderaan persendirian yang beratur nak claim duit. Sama banyak jugak dengan kereta-kereta yang beratur nak isi minyak time harga minyak naik 40% haritu. Huhu... Aku dengan bapa tak pi pun semalam pasal ingat nak claim time renew lesen nanti. Lagipun dah tau dah mesti sesak kat post office nanti tambah dengan bermacam-macam bau manusia yang dah lama menanti nak dapat duit. Fuhh...tak sanggup aku.
14th June 2008 is also an important day for my niece as her birthday was yesterday. Happy birthday Syahirah!! Tak sempat aku nak beli present kat dia. It's not that i'm a bad aunt but lack of money lor...hehe. Plan to buy her handphone pouch yang "ala-ala pinky" coz she like that pinky kind of thing. Tapi tengok dulu la.
Lapar la pulak. Nak pi makan sat. Bubbyeee...xoxo

Friday, June 13, 2008

Prom Night d muveee

Today, my day began with a phone call from the same person again..huh...........tired of all this. Forget bout that. This morning i'm late to work and starting to rempit as usual but still the punch card time always walks fast in the morning but really late when i wanna go home fast. That's life... 8.30am they're having meeting on drainage seminar while we just reading Mastika which i seldom read it.

Today is my colleague last day for practical and we celebrate the farewell in a one of the famous pizza franchise in Malaysia(you know wut). And after filled the empty stomach with super supreme and hawaian chicken plus a set of breadstick, without planning we watched the latest thriller muvi which is called Prom Night. The story is about a dark secret amongst a group of children comes back to haunt them in the form of a vengeful killer on their prom night. The killer was their ex-teacher who is too obsessed with his student named Donna and killed everyone close with her just to get near her. Much more suspense and thriller but overall its worth it. At least we're not wasting pur time in office.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Hari Yang Bosan~~

Harini rumahku dah sunyi kembali sebab adik beradik mak yg dari KL semua dah balik semalam. The best thing is bila dah lama tak jumpa then suddenly stay together for few days feels like we already have everything and we didn't ask for more. It's been a very long time i haven't meet them. I think the last is met them was on kak anum's wedding day. My family went to Puchong and after that terus pegi holiday di A'Famosa Resort in Malacca. Tulah kali terakhir jumpa adik beradikku sebelah mak sebab my fam memang jarang turun KL beramai-ramai and kalau pi pun mak dengan bapa je. Anak-anak tak bole ikut...hahaha.. Semalam bila semua dah nak balik, mak siap bagi barang2 yang jarang pakai kat makcik2 semua. Memang banyak sangat barang sampai dah jadi macam orang nak pindah rumah pulak. Luckily, diorg bawak van..hehehe...
Hari ni kat office, as aspected tak ada keja. Tambah2 pulak 2 orang Pemabantu Am Pejabat tak datang so Chief Clerk suruh la aku dengan Wan duduk kat tempat org yg tak datang tu. Tapi bagus jugak duduk kat depan at least bole nampak org busy keluar masuk office. Yang tak best nya takut jd mangsa suruhan chief clerk la wat kerja dia tp alhamdulillah la dia tak suruh yg teruk2..hehehe..jahatnya aku. Esok lecturer nak datang pulak nak tengok prestasi kami ok ke tak. Siap kena beli kuih muih untuk lecturer lagi. Best kan jadi lecturer..hehehe. Esok lecturer nak datang, hari ni baru nak suruh bos sign buku log laporan mingguan. My boss very sporting sampai dia tak tengok pun wut we wrote in the log book. Maybe he have other works more important rather than to check wut i've wrote..hehe...Hopefully everything will be fine tomorrow...daaaaa

Monday, June 2, 2008

~~Kerusi Yang Berat

This Friday mom's relatives from KL wanna stay in cause my cousin's kenduri this Saturday (7/6/08). We have no choice other than clear the living room for them to sleep. Damn tired to take out that stupid-heavy-chair even mak and mama plus me angkat kerusi tu pun susah jugak nak keluarkan dari rumah. All the rooms in my house only can fit in a few of them and for my room, i do a makeover to make it more space tp makin sempit lagi pandai2 la menyesuaikan diri..

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Minggu ni last aku dekat DTL and semua pun buat malas nak p site. Early morning ikut engineer to Tmn Tun Sardon tengok slope psl nak buat maintenance and i think they should psl area tu dh jd mcm hutan blkg rumah org..dah bole buat tmpt mkn utk lembu2.. lepas tu p minum2 dkt pasar tun sardon tu then blk ofis DTL..

Lepas p site tengok slope tu technician ajak p tengok site kuarters kesihatan nak tengok turap jalan. Walaupun sblm ni dh tgok tapi ikut je lah dari duk ofis yg sgt bosan tu..sambil2 tengok premix, technician tu terang pasal defections yg selalunya terlepas pandang oleh engineer2 yang bertauliah ni..benda kecik2 je tp bila dh kira2 byk jugak le yg cacat celanya.

Some of the pics i've taken.............

1st layer for premix-- binder course

ada ke patut beam terjuntai mcm tu?? jawab...jawab..

Lepas tengok2 semua sambil berjemur di tengah panas kami bertiga balik rumah terus..kekeke

Friday, May 16, 2008

2008 Mother's Day

This year mother's day we juz having a big dinner wif my sis in law fam and mine at Bali Hai gurney drive..agak ramai tp everything fun-fun and tahun ni aku bagi mug putih yg tertulis "Mother" specially for mak..

Arrive around 8pm then food suma dah order and we juz makan..makan..makan...and eat tapi tak la sampai lupa diri. Lepas makan sembang..sembang..sembang(yang veterans je lah)..aku layan anak sedara aku yang lama tak jumpa ni je, Mohd Adam Shazzel and dia pun skang dh pandai b'jalan skit..stakat ni his the youngest and after this tak tau ler ada lagi ke tak anak sedara baru...huhu..kalau ada lagi that mean umor aku dh semakin bertambah.. my eldest nephew is anak abg aku yg 1st and skang dia dah form 4 tp lagi tinggi dari aku dan suka mintak lagu kat aku..huhu..

Adam Shazzel

Lepas dah kenyang-kenyang and sembang-sembang semua pun beransur ke rumah masing and hoping semua bapak-bapak, ibu-ibu hepy2 mlm ni and for me of course la hepy sebab ada mkn...huahuahua

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Happy Birthday....

Today, before lunch i watch piling works for bridge. Then, i'm having lunch with my cousin. This is our 1st lunch together and of course i have to fetch her. Dah lama tak jumpa since aku pn tak ingat bila last jumpa dia. After lunch i sent her back at her office then i pun balik office setelah penat duduk di site since morning. Actually bukannya penat sangat duk kat site tu tapi disebabkan asyik tengok piling je naik bosan jugak.
Today, 2nd May 2008 is my frens 24th birthday---Nurazwany. Happy 24th Birthday girl... She planned to treat us KFC after working hours. Unfortunately i dun have anything as a gift so juz a wish from me and i hope she alwiz be blessed and get wut she want.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

New Cell Phone

I juz got my scholarship n the 1st thing i think is new h/fon...even i've been using my Sony Ericsson(SE) K700i h/fon for about 2 years but i pun nak jgk pakai h/fon canggih..haha..Tunggu apa lagi..g survey la tp my no 1 list would be SE la cause only SE can fit me even there are other better choices..

Survey punya survey (lama jugak ler nak decide nak beli mana satu)...berhari-hari i tried to find and at last....tadaaaa...SE K850i be my choice and i bought with the lower price ada kabel la beb..fuhhh.....ini lah hasilnya...